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Project Aims:

 To promote and encourage research, the collection and preservation of records and other artefacts of interest pertaining to Derbyshire women's activism heritage;


 To foster and promote public knowledge and interest in hidden local women's activism heritage.


 Use broader women’s activism heritage to create a context in which the role and contribution of Derbyshire women to socio-political and economic change is better understood, visible and more accessible.


 To engage local communities in celebrations of women’s contributions to life and community in Derbyshire, through connecting the past with the present.

 To promote and encourage research, the collection and preservation of records and other artefacts of interest pertaining to Derbyshire women's activism heritage;


 To foster and promote public knowledge and interest in hidden local women's activism heritage.


 Use broader women’s activism heritage to create a context in which the role and contribution of Derbyshire women to socio-political and economic change is better understood, visible and more accessible.


 To engage local communities in celebrations of women’s contributions to life and community in Derbyshire, through connecting the past with the present.

Project Outputs Include:

 ‘Shoulder to Shoulder with Women in Derbyshire’ Blog - this curators blog will give updates and the inside story of the project throughout. This will become part of the Project Legacy.

A dedicated Project Website — a platform to disseminate information and  serve as an audience building tool towards 2018. The Website will later host virtual exhibitions and a contextual timeline

One day mini Community Heritage Conference— main theme 'Sisterhood Then and Now' Submissions - papers, poster, panel and roundtable discussions lightening rounds and workshops

Strand themes:

• Writing women back into history

• HERitage intersections

• Voices at the grassroots

• Who is the We in ‘Are We There Yet?’

• The state of womanhood

• Girl matters

The conference is an opportunity to bring under-represented, special and general interest groups together

Please click on the link below to access our Heritage Lottery Fundeed Project 'Deeds Not Words Towards Liberation: 100 Years of Women's Social and Political Activism in Derby & Derbyshire' 

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